So he built the system to others , Albanian citizen or was indifferent , or that he worked , the system becomes even more cruel , even heartless , even unfair . Albanian citizen was brought against him , in essence , as man goes to a foreign thing that does not belong to him , but to others , and at worst , as an asset to be stolen or accidentally left in the hands of his other , unknown , distant . In this context , therefore , it was the system that ultimately divided the Albanians at least two groups . In the group of ordinary people , unable to face the intended or if it could be encountering , and the group of villains , who not only was not stopped thinking of encountering unfair system , but rather , the it stimulated worked to become even more unfair , even cruel , even inhumane , because only he , the system can be put in their service , barbarians . It is an indisputable fact that in the latter , ie the group of barbarians , villains , including a large portion of the people of the government administration that went . It is also one of the unique cases , how countless injustices facing , facing severe deformation of the system , even in front of his crimes to authorities committed to not lose power or more to criminalize it , there was found a voice in public administration to stand against , to denounce , to resign public to give , ultimately , a sign of the slightest resistance to evil . This is perhaps the deepest reason why the present government should have no hesitation in changing point of administration inherited . People who are working in the best example of how not to be a public servant ( Public Servants) . It is not a public administration that never served the public , and if it ever did , was forced by others , by foreigners. As the body of cancer , the country's public administration over the past eight years did nothing but helped spread its metastases . Bed became wider spread of corruption , the spread of a discourtesy that killed ethics as if no one knows it , the state ethics officials , could be reborn again in this country . State officer became a symbol of greed , immorality , gravedigger of all virtues and nobility that Albanian is trying to preserve and convey to him the whole story . Last administration officials became messengers unjust system , a system without moral point and as such , because they were in the best position to observe the society , have done the most damage that could be done in this country , example of creating a worthy citizen , that is becoming less and less civil . Like any other bad , unworthy profile public servants of the administration of outgoing spread rapidly , helping more than anything else in the decline of the quality of citizenship in this country , the dismantling of the Albanian civic values and finally last , in preparation still very low in this country for democracy . In making the system even more unfair , even immoral , even inhuman . < / P >
<p> *** < / p >
<p> Albanian Universities are typically universities paradox demonstrate how the implementation of a democratic standard , rather than produce development or progress , produces the opposite , destruction . Implementation of the election authorities and structures in Nepal demonstrates this. Universities are not the only field where institutional case. Because the status as autonomous institutions , universities only put more out this paradox . So actually happening in the field of education in general , so does the field of public health , justice happens , happens especially in the treatment of human resource administration. Let's just get past this . There is almost no essential difference between the standards set for competition in Albania and located in another country . People , however , are reluctant to compete unless they have a special bond with the organizers of the competition , if not create the possibility of buying a job , if not belonging to political party is in power . In this way , setting the standard not only leads to the development of human resources of the country , but reversed , in their safe destruction . It is like a " rejection " , a push that makes this country democratic standards . It is exactly like a blood transfusion when a sufferer does not accept that there is no blood of his blood qualities . Like the patient , the citizens of this country demonstrate a rejection of rules or standards of the western world , clearly showing that no other rules by which they attempt to fix their lives . The implementation of western standards as a " blood " there goes another sick body of Albanian society , which does not work in it , that " makes reaction " , that it dies in the end . < / P >
<p> *** < / p >
<p> fabrikuarit authoritarian system in Albania , which is already lost, then the system that produced the institutions that fostered and protected as such , incapable and barbarians , getting ready to resist and why not , getting ready for a backlash . But leave public administration and is housed where the effort , to get ready for tomorrow . Tragically attacked universities . What ranks and titles that shake taken illegally to the disabled refuge where more easily accommodated in Albania : the institutions of knowledge . The product of a false system and sold as democratic institutions that built the rules to win the disabled , immoral , corrupt , those fabrikuarit autocratic system , getting ready to leave not ever be reformed institutions of this country . To keep them as they are, shelters barbarism . In the district never closed and never ending evil. They think that he has come to turn . Offspring of a bad system and ready to build another system , even worse . Command from a tragic DNA carries the personality of making the system where lived .
So he built the system to others , Albanian citizen or was indifferent , or that he worked , the system becomes even more cruel , even heartless , even unfair . Albanian citizen was brought against him , in essence , as man goes to a foreign thing that does not belong to him , but to others , and at worst , as an asset to be stolen or accidentally left in the hands of his other , unknown , distant . In this context , therefore , it was the system that ultimately divided the Albanians at least two groups . In the group of ordinary people , unable to face the intended or if it could be encountering , and the group of villains , who not only was not stopped thinking of encountering unfair system , but rather , the it stimulated worked to become even more unfair , even cruel , even inhumane , because only he , the system can be put in their service , barbarians . It is an indisputable fact that in the latter , ie the group of barbarians , villains , including a large portion of the people of the government administration that went . It is also one of the unique cases , how countless injustices facing , facing severe deformation of the system , even in front of his crimes to authorities committed to not lose power or more to criminalize it , there was found a voice in public administration to stand against , to denounce , to resign public to give , ultimately , a sign of the slightest resistance to evil . This is perhaps the deepest reason why the present government should have no hesitation in changing point of administration inherited . People who are working in the best example of how not to be a public servant ( Public Servants) . It is not a public administration that never served the public , and if it ever did , was forced by others , by foreigners. As the body of cancer , the country's public administration over the past eight years did nothing but helped spread its metastases . Bed became wider spread of corruption , the spread of a discourtesy that killed ethics as if no one knows it , the state ethics officials , could be reborn again in this country . State officer became a symbol of greed , immorality , gravedigger of all virtues and nobility that Albanian is trying to preserve and convey to him the whole story . Last administration officials became messengers unjust system , a system without moral point and as such , because they were in the best position to observe the society , have done the most damage that could be done in this country , example of creating a worthy citizen , that is becoming less and less civil . Like any other bad , unworthy profile public servants of the administration of outgoing spread rapidly , helping more than anything else in the decline of the quality of citizenship in this country , the dismantling of the Albanian civic values and finally last , in preparation still very low in this country for democracy . In making the system even more unfair , even immoral , even inhuman . < / P >
<p> *** < / p >
<p> Albanian Universities are typically universities paradox demonstrate how the implementation of a democratic standard , rather than produce development or progress , produces the opposite , destruction . Implementation of the election authorities and structures in Nepal demonstrates this. Universities are not the only field where institutional case. Because the status as autonomous institutions , universities only put more out this paradox . So actually happening in the field of education in general , so does the field of public health , justice happens , happens especially in the treatment of human resource administration. Let's just get past this . There is almost no essential difference between the standards set for competition in Albania and located in another country . People , however , are reluctant to compete unless they have a special bond with the organizers of the competition , if not create the possibility of buying a job , if not belonging to political party is in power . In this way , setting the standard not only leads to the development of human resources of the country , but reversed , in their safe destruction . It is like a " rejection " , a push that makes this country democratic standards . It is exactly like a blood transfusion when a sufferer does not accept that there is no blood of his blood qualities . Like the patient , the citizens of this country demonstrate a rejection of rules or standards of the western world , clearly showing that no other rules by which they attempt to fix their lives . The implementation of western standards as a " blood " there goes another sick body of Albanian society , which does not work in it , that " makes reaction " , that it dies in the end . < / P >
<p> *** < / p >
<p> fabrikuarit authoritarian system in Albania , which is already lost, then the system that produced the institutions that fostered and protected as such , incapable and barbarians , getting ready to resist and why not , getting ready for a backlash . But leave public administration and is housed where the effort , to get ready for tomorrow . Tragically attacked universities . What ranks and titles that shake taken illegally to the disabled refuge where more easily accommodated in Albania : the institutions of knowledge . The product of a false system and sold as democratic institutions that built the rules to win the disabled , immoral , corrupt , those fabrikuarit autocratic system , getting ready to leave not ever be reformed institutions of this country . To keep them as they are, shelters barbarism . In the district never closed and never ending evil. They think that he has come to turn . Offspring of a bad system and ready to build another system , even worse . Command from a tragic DNA carries the personality of making the system where lived .
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