Socialists said they would undo all government decisions Berisha received after June 23 elections . But will it hold promise ? Klan has selected some of them .
In 2005 , as the Central Election Commission certify the opposition victory , Nano spent time doing the honors last government meetings . Without thinking that most of its decisions can zhbëheshin few weeks later , after Sali Berisha sit in the chair of Prime Minister Nano quickly adopted some initiatives involving not only increased two or three private universities , but also deal important as that of privatization " Albtelekom " 's . At that time , opozitari Berisha declared that the coming to power will get away with it deal with the bustle of the Nano government , as well as an agreement for the construction of electric train that will connect Tirana to Durres with a cost of 95 million U.S. dollars from the company General Electric . While the agreement for the train was canceled on the grounds that it was really too expensive ( but also cost us fine international arbitration ) , it remained in force for Albtelcom , although he said he was renegotiated . However , Nano failed to exploit his last days as prime minister to perform the last qokat .
A practice that seems to follow today , eight years later , his successor Berisha , who already fallen vaftit , sold , privatized or given some real concession that had saved for the end . On June 23 elections until the first week of September , the Berisha government has ensured that in each of its meetings to approve certain decisions can not be regarded otherwise than as qoka financial profitably for certain people. Knowing this from past experience , the Socialist Party , which will take over after 9 September , has often made public statements that it would review all government decisions to be taken in three summer months in order to cancel them , just as Berisha proclaimed in the distant 2005 . Many decisions related to privatization or concessions in the oil sector , many areas of the coast , military facilities , forests , pastures , the lagoons , the museum centers , and finally the house of the army 's Armo or a quarry in Kruja , are regarded as pure corruption cases , which can be canceled after September .
How will the new government keep its word , it is not yet known , but Rama looks set to review decisions such as the import of waste , granting concessions to some of hydropower , ARMO and Albpetrol , or Port Durres . " I am obliged to call on all subjects involved in cooperation with the government in office not to continue cooperation . We will be extremely strict with any product of cooperation with private entities present government after June 23 elections , " Rama said , without clarifying whether decisions to be reviewed or canceled by the government to renegotiate the new .
The most controversial qokave in recent days has been the building of the Central Army House in Tirana , which is already set to be the new headquarters of the Democratic Party . If Berisha has decided to donate something to the end of his term , has preferred the first to give his party something . The decision to SHQUP -in is one of the most flagrant cases of what has happened with some public properties after the election . One person was introduced to dance the President Nishani , who has signed a decision that passes SHQUP -in DP, but also the current opposition takes office next week said it would set aside the award . How possible is it legally , remains to be seen . Everything will be in the hands of the new minister of defense , Mimi Kodheli . However , according to experts , SHQUP 's property worth more than $ 20 million , taking into account the place where it is coveted in Tirana . Some military figures considered this a robbery military property , the Berisha government however is not tutur , but that after August 20 the systemized building has begun to host leaders of the Democratic Party.
After SHQUP 's , one of the most sensational decisions of the outgoing government 's import of waste . For that matter , the SP is always against the express will probably be one of the first decisions that will cancel . However , two weeks ago , the government adopted two decisions authorizing the import of various wastes for recycling purposes in our country . It is about allowing the introduction of 2600 in Albania remains of our two companies , where one will import quantities from Greece : the first is about the society " Plastic - Albania " , for import of waste polyethylene ( glasshouses ) from Greece 600 tons per year , which will be introduced in our territory by land and sea , while the second includes permission to society " VALE RECYCLING " on the import of waste for recycling purposes , the products of copper , aluminum , steel , pig iron , zinc , lead , glass , plastic , paper , wood and clothing used in amounts 2000 tons per year . Since the law was passed ( November 2011 ) " for integrated waste management " discussions to allow import of fertilizers in the country have been numerous protests by environmentalists and Civil Society . The latter managed to collect signatures needed for the realization of a referendum , while the president decreed that he would be held in December this year .
The media has described the scandal as the first few days of the decision to award the surface of 19 hectares of forest company Kruja Hope - Al , a client of Hope kontabilistes Breçani , considering how near the Berisha family . This area is expected to be used as a quarry and the company has won the right to use this surface is recorded in NRC . In the government's decision stated that the area " Krasta Kruja " will be used by the " Hope - Al " , for use with limestone career and for this reason , the gas field " Picragës " that match the given surface the company will be removed from the forest fund and the National Cadastre and Pastures . SP claims that this decision is a pure gift Berisha makes his relatives .
A number of decisions were taken to riches " Albpetrol " , which almost did not have anything left to manage , because its assets are transferred to tanks , owned private companies . In recent decisions , the only area , which was based on the value of the company's privatization in 2012 , the Amonicës gas field , past the concession company " Phoenix Petroleum " . Currently , the assets of " Albpetrol " run by private companies , where the principal remains " Bankers Petroleum " , which owns about 95 percent of wells and high production efficiency . The recent agreement between the government and society " Phoenix " consists of two phases : the first phase ( evaluation phase for 18 months plus 6 months ) , will provide a comprehensive database and direct experimentation of advanced technologies in separate parcels ; the second phase ( phase full field development with reservations - the period up to 25 years ) will develop fields with reserves based on a detailed development plan " .
Meanwhile , Berisha has received dozens of decisions to build hydroelectric and wind parks concession for electricity production in different areas of the country . Thus , complex development permit was granted for the construction of hydropower Langarica Langarica 1 and 2 , in the municipality Petra , Përmet district , with about 2 billion investment . Hydro Lengarica is projected to be built at the bottom of the river with the same name in Albania . It is also approved " development permit for building complex of hydropower plants on the river Curraj " Kukes " . Currajve hydropower complex is composed of 11 hydropower stations with installed power 105 193 kW . Cascade Curraj located in Tropoje district and territory is positioned next to Lake Koman , while the value of the investment is approximately 16.6 billion. Another development has been given permission to build two hydropower Tuçep in Ostren municipality , county Debar " , worth 166 million power 1400 kW installed . Moreover , the government has approved the construction of the HPP 8 Librazhdi , with 117 million investment , the construction of HPP 3 " Strelca1 " , " Strelca 2 " , " 3 Strelca " in Gora municipality , Korca , building hydropower it " Kolosian " Kukes, with annual output 3 million kilowatts , and electrical project HPP " Trebinje " in Debar . However , practice has shown that dozens of licenses issued by the government for the construction of hydropower plants do not apply , but go hand in hand being sold indefinitely . This practice is strongly opposed by the Socialists , but no one knows if these decisions will be undone .
Socialists expressed confident that the decision will cancel the concession granted in mid- August for the Port of Durres . SP said that granting such a concession and its formalization few days ago is a robbery of public assets and therefore will not be tolerated . Public Procurement Agency announced last week the winner of the tender for the concession of the Port of Durres , while the tender process has started just three days before the election , only ending in August . " This decision is one of those decisions that will be undone by the new government since the first meetings of the government ," said MP Ermonela Felaj .
However , a case that has caused surprise and debate in recent days has been the sale of the company " ARMO " . A sale which were agreed initially with mystery , either for the company that had bought , even for reasons of its main shareholder , Rezart Taci , had set sale . Deputy Economy Eno Bozdo will confirm the decision to pass ownership of a company ARMO Azeri named " Heaney Coorporation Assets " . " The company is said Azeri and respectable background in the field and sector. We hope that the introduction of a company with good technical assets and financial to solve or improve the final solution of the problems noted with the company , "said Bozdo .
Scandal is considering the selection of a private company by the outgoing government to give concession in customs scanning of containers . Socialist MP , Erion Brace , said that this decision brings a monopoly situation , while the law requires merchants and individuals forced to pay the fee , even when not receiving service . The head of the Chamber of Commerce , Nikolin Jaka , has gone even further by stating that the concession was obtained from current ministers companies . Any merchant or individual who imports over one thousand products will soon pay the customs fees for the state but also an additional fee 39 euros . This money does not go budget , but the private company selected by the government .
Strategic sectors of oil , gas , power and area are some of the assets that the government has been strongly generous in its recent meetings . Many permission for developments in the oil and gas fields , the construction of several plants , and over regulatory plans for some areas , nature tourism , seen only as qoka . On the other hand , some government decisions to intervene Dajtit Park in Rrushkull area in protected area Vjosë , etc. . But , if the government intends to undo Rama some of these decisions , which calls itself illegal , according constitutionalists can only be done within a defined timeframe . And maybe , this will require an immediate intervention by the relevant ministers .
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