.: The economic challenges of the new government

The economic challenges of the new government

qeveria1By Taulant Malaj
In Albania 23 years of "democracy " ( in quotes because it is pseudo - democracy ) only law that seems to have been worth it " Do not follow the rule as long as he comes to fall on his head ." As such , the state seems to have been generous with people as it is not dealt with them . Heads of state , who paid for policy and law making , as well as for ligjzbatim , have devoted all their attention to the giant enrichment and their families , always to the detriment of the Albanian society in general. In exchange for injection syndrome " anti-state " society has accepted the tutelage of billionaires live in the night, that this company is selling the future value of an energy bill , water , or traffic fines .
At the moment when the sale took place , the extortionists ( rulers ) have forged sales documents by taking everything that belonged to the society , including the spirit of complaint and protest . No more than Berisha did not use it because it was , more than all others , the power in these 23 years .
In 1997 he was forced out under pressure of popular discontent , international pressure , with the promise that no one will even affect him or his family what had happened , at least in the period 1996-1997 .
In 2005 he returned because the greatest astonishment lasts 3 days in Albania and , because they were Majko Meidani , Dokle , nano , etc. . , Who gave Berisha white card in 1997 . He returned because socialist governments suffered from the same syndrome as that of DP during the 1992 - 1997 's, created a negative perception ( that such was in fact ) to be governed by way of a known leftist force for implementation social policy .
On June 23 , over 1 million voters said NO continuation of Berisha , giving him a second yellow card , and that in a football game means he is out of the game ( two yellow = red one ) .
A true Berisha has escaped ? I personally do not believe so . He is behind the curtain and mouth speaks Basha , Coast , Imam , etc. . , Dolls that resemble a puppet theater for children . The fact that he has gone , further strengthened by the recent movements in the outgoing government has undertaken causing a state budget deficit even larger .
How will it change ? First , in terms of policies to be followed Rama believe that governance will be , at least in the first two years , an example of the implementation of government policies favor the notion of state resources and good management . This is because Rama should be a notable success for the use of local elections 2015 , and because he has as an objective in itself a different Albania , with a different perception to the law and respect him . Will he reach antiligjshmërinë change that has gripped the cows on a hill ? If we are Albanians and state law , then it is achievable , but if not , then we do not deserve to be seen however state .
In connection with credit , it is true that Albania has already reached the red line of credit and every month that passes means that Albania moves much more Greece , but there is an element here : Albania financial informality can also go up to 50 % of GDP and , as such , any economic analysis carries a considerable amount of marginal error .
International financial institutions , including the World Bank and the IMF will be , I believe , more positive towards future governance compared with Berisha , because the next government does not seem to be willing to continue in the steps that were attacked by Berisha all financial institutions as they warned and criticized the government for gambling with public finances . So , although interest rates will probably be higher , because of what government 2005 - 2013 is applied in public finances , the next government will have the support of financial institutions in exchange for tighter financial policies that will necessarily feel even to society . For this , the government does not have blamed Rama , but should say "thank you " Berisha that even in times of financial crisis , with an alarming deficit , sets wage increases , compensation funds for the Presidency , Guard , Muslim Community , etc. . , Without mention " huge investments in infrastructure " kilometric debt .
If for a moment conceive of our home state and to satisfy our personal ego go to Raymond & receive 70,000 dollars Flannigan and equipment on credit , with no job with which it repaid the loan , although it could be say friends of friends , I see what the house after a short time we will not even home or society , they will come and take those who have debts . So I can not figure out where the positivity of the policy was " alla Tito " that Berisha took ?
The new government , under the instruction of international financial institutions , and applications under a strong set of economic policies , could manage to reduce debt gap .
Stimulating domestic production through subsidies and customs policies will lead to increasing domestic production which , in itself , mean recovery of the economy on the basis of internal circulation . Tax collection effectively , not through clientelist policies will make the state budget have more financial breathing and investment capabilities in priority sectors .
Also , in the area of ​​tax relief for private initiatives , could generate suction investment by individuals who until now have been removed because of clientelist policies and applied by family monopolitike dome . Enough to put the country on the move and take control of the bank accounts of three - and four current ministers dome family , to have enough money , under a responsible management , to create opportunity for improving irrigation systems in half the Albania and that , in itself , translates into increased domestic production .
Also , common policies between Kosovo and Albania , particularly in the area of ​​energy use , will enable a more efficient times greater supply situation and that is the first case in tourism , industry and governance.
Regarding taxes , however be a country plagued it could be raised again in its ability to collect its taxes . Progressive tax is fair for civil budget and individual income , while businesses will be taxed as taxable until now . Productivity of tax calculation and collection of taxes , even the " giants " ( thieves ) of telecommunications , banking or Kürüm , will be the tax policy challenges Rama governance must implement if it wants to succeed .
He , better than anyone I know , with Berisha " wounded " before him , will have to work to achieve 150 % to succeed in the local elections of 2015 . This , then , translates into more jobs in a state that begins to show that even though after 23 years in coma , will begin moving hands and act . If you do these , then Rama will remain in history as the prime minister of Albania issued by the state of clinical death and made it a race athlete in the new millennium .

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