
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Black Voices times

< / a> Few among Albanian areas Aleksijeviqin Svetlana has heard . Finally she was awarded the Peace Prize of the Association of German Library - for its authentic works and sad about crimes of communism and the horrors of " capitalism " Russian . By this author Belarus could also learn many societies in the Balkans Albania 's communist past and the present " capitalist " < / i> < / b > < / p >
by Enver Robelli < / b > < / p >
< / p >
have written to the dark period of the rule of Enver Hoxha, Albanian some authors . Zef priest Pllumi post-communist Albania contrasted with his chilling memories which enjoyed no attention. Fatos publisher Lobonja is a chronicler of the dictator labyrinths . Maks Velo Painter has written about persecution by the communists , who s'njihte limit , even private . A year ago Velo said : " I had a bitter experience with his wife whom he married . ( ... ) It was Security agents . I have been a witness in court and I find it difficult to touch the subject , I find it difficult to talk , at least until they documents , which can detract prevail . Because the documents from archives not available to everyone , given some. I want to publish more documents than can speak . " In Kosovo a part of former political prisoners from the Yugoslav regime also have published something from the darkest periods of their lives , but , unfortunately , most of these stories are pathetic loaded with unnecessary oaths and patriotic . Often under the " burden patriotism " documentary value of lost memories . < / P >
stories about the past are extremely important . Voltaire French enlightener emphasized : " History is a lie to which we agreed ." To counter this truth a society that aspires to be peace and prosperity of first-hand accounts from victims themselves . But , even more a society needs independent authors , who dig into the past , to give voice to the past , to bring to the surface the dark side and help society to reflect and discern evil , so that it not repeated . Here Albanian Balkan societies have lagged behind . Literary and documentary production is deficient , mainly an exhibition navel , where authors s'arrijnë torishta come from provincial and think the whole world revolves around them , while the year the Nobel Committee cares which will honor Albanian author . Foreigners are often those who perform jobs that should be performed in Tirana and Pristina institutions . In 2001 in Austria and Gabriele authors Anita Niegelhell Ponisch published a volume of stories of former political prisoners in Albania . This book has not been translated into Albanian . At least the fund is in the National Library of Albania . < / P >
Nothing heroic struggle < / b > < / p > Svetlana
Aleksijeviqi is an example of the lack of space autoreje as Albanian and Balkan societies no less . This courageous woman is collecting the items lost , hears voices that no one , because the victims were " necessary evil " , for them there is no empathy or solidarity . Give them any powers metelik to manipulate , to take advantage of their choice , to misuse their moral authority . The breaking of the regime exhausted by " wild capitalism democracy " a large part of these victims easily fooled . < / P >
Aleksijeviqi Svetlana was born in 1948 in western Ukraine . Her mother was Ukrainian , Belarusian father . At that time he was a Soviet soldier and the red empire under construction . Stalin was at the zenith of power , after millions of people killed and exiled by his regime . Like many other friends of her generation and was indoctrinated by Svetlana Aleksijeviqi red plague the Soviet version of communism . But its view of communism began to change when she became a journalist and thanks to this profession had the opportunity to meet ordinary people who believed that his horrific details of their lives . Official propaganda of World War II presented only through the brave Soviet soldiers who had liberated Europe from Nazism half . No room for heroes in newspapers or on TV , in books and exhibitions . Soviet soldier on May 2, 1945 had set the flag on the Reichstag building in Berlin was glorious icons of ( after ) the war . At half- century later in Germany was published several works on documentaries that Russian soldiers raped hundreds of German women . < / P > Svetlana
Aleksijeviqi had known stories of heroes . She is interested victims . In the book "War is not feminine face " it shows that when women were girls had gone to war to defend the homeland . Dresses and shoes were removed in heels and wore uniforms , were equipped with weapons and were ready - to kill the enemy . In front did not detect anything heroic . In this book they show the feminine side of war , the wounded and the dead , for pain and suffering , speak about their experiences after World War II , when the company was accused of lying and ridiculed them, spotted that the war was just for fun . In another work entitled " Witnesses last . Children in World War II " Svetlana Aleksijeviqi gives voice to the powerless in society . For comparison : in Kosovo have not yet a book with memories of thousands of abused and terrorized by the mid 50th century, when the regime of Josip Broz Tito and Aleksandar Rankovic through " action to collect weapons " was making an effort to change ethnic structure of Kosovo , expelling thousands fields of Anatolia . Victims of that era are dying and with them a part of historical truth . < / P >
coup and happiness < / b > < / p >
other books Svetlana Aleksijeviqit hold titles , such as " Soldiers of zinc . Afghanistan and consequences " ( here speak mutilated soldiers in Soviet adventures between Kabul and Kandahar ) , " Chernobyl . A chronicle of the future " ( heard here who suffered the worst nuclear disaster ) , " Faced with death magic . Confessions of Russian suicide " ( here know pensioner who after years of silent despair burn yourself before barrack where you live , we know philosopher who wants to PhD on Marxism and when he sees that the theoretical basis of his work went to s wheel ' mother , jumps out the window ... ) . Svetlana latest book describes life on the ruins Aleksijeviqit the transition ( " Time secondhand . Life on the ruins of socialism " ) . < / P >
all these works and for her selfless commitment to the truth tracking Aleksijeviqi during the Frankfurt Book Fair was honored with the Peace Prize of the German Library Association . Her speech before the German political and intellectual elite in Frankfurt reinstated the dark part of European history . Aleksijeviqi reported on life in the " laboratory experiments communist " front gate of the camp where the Solovki Islands wrote : " With an iron fist will make people happy ." " Communism " , Aleksijeviqi said , " had a plan absurd - to remodel the old man , the old Adam . And it has come to this . This is probably only achieve it. During more than 70 years has created a new type of man, Homo sovieticus " . ( As Enver Hoxha created " homo albanicusin " his creature feared a shadow of itself ) . < / P >
aunt Olya < / b > < / p > Hereinafter
is best to let them speak for itself Svetlana Aleksijeviqi , without interference : < / p >
" I have written five books , but basically I almost forty years to write a single book . A Russian- Soviet Chronicle : revolution , gulag , war , Chernobyl , the decline of the red empire ' . I followed the Soviet times . Behind us lies a sea of blood and a grave brothers . ( ... ) I go to those who have no voice . I hear , they pay attention , and observe . For me is the way the choir , symphony . ( ... ) Flaubert was saying to myself ' man of the pen ' , for myself I can say I'm one ear . ( ... ) The man does not speak more beautiful than ever in love and near death . We are people from socialism as all other people , but we are different , we have our thoughts on heroes and martyrs . And a special relationship with death . ( ... ) ' I liked Aunt Olya . He had long hair and beautiful voice . When I grew up I learned that Aunt Olya had denounced her brother , who was killed in the camp . In Kazakhstan . It was already old and I asked : ' aunt Olya , why did you do this ? ' - ' But where have you seen them in the time of Stalin honest man ? ' - ' Are you sorry for what you have done ? ' - ' At that time I was happy . More like this ' . - ' You must understand , evil is never chemically pure . Such are not only Stalin and Making , such is the beautiful aunt Olya . ' [ Here Aleksijeviqi Svetlana quotes one of the protagonists of her books ] . ( ... ) Suffering is our gift and a curse . In Russian literature develops a fierce debate : Solzhenjicini said that suffering makes one better return from exile man from purgatory as cleaners , ( Varlam ) Shalamovi , however, was convinced that the experience of exile and ruin man , that experience enters the internment camp just work . Time showed that Shalamovi was right . The man left behind socialism only knew life in the camp . ( ... ) Before the revolution of 1917 the Russian writer Alexander Grin wrote : ' The future is not out of place ' . Even now, the future is no longer in place. Sometimes I wonder why I always come down to hell . To find the man " . < / P > When enumerating Nicolas Ceausescu government in recent years in communist Romania , as there was being generous . Hundreds of thousands of stray dogs that had occupied Bucharest , he decided not to kill . Yes , he was killed as he loved people and everyone was delighted to learn of his cruelty to humans . But , not to give satisfaction to see the enemies of his cruelty to animals . He was being human - not the kill , but dogs are left to die in their misery without food and shelter . < / P >
In one of her works , Croatian writer Slavenka Drakulic has pëshkruar so amazing , by the mouth of an old dog , all the painful absurdity of those years . The years when the Romanians their lives and felt victimized dog , abandoned , poor , disappointed . Ceausescu years when deciding whether people deserve to live , if dogs deserve to live . < / P >
Nearly three decades later , things have changed in Romania . But stray dogs are still a problem for dymilionëbanorësh capital . On the eve of the NATO summit in the spring of 2008 , the Romanian authorities cleared the city of dogs , who defeated the refuge where they could as so important that guests feel bezdiseshin by their presence . < / P >
But not only the stray dogs are a problem in Bucharest . Problematic in all the land continues to be the legacy of the former dictator , although the country has for years been part of the European Union . Romanians can not easily forget their lives of dogs and suffering endured the dictatorship , although now officially Europeans - Europeans poor . < / P >
*** < / p > Far
Bucharest , in Kosovo's capital Pristina , a few days ago a group of young people gathered in the square - not to seek votes for a party candidate , but do not call to kill stray dogs . < / p > Right at the peak
campaign , they were looking to politicians who seek votes , persuading them to more humane approach to the dogs . Everything was happening in the capital of the country, whose citizens feel victimized , abandoned , poor , disappointed . In the capital , many of whose citizens do dogs life , life without dignity , but you intend to seek dignity comes to dogs . < / P >
solution easier and cheaper to eliminate stray dogs , according optics those who take their souls at hand is to kill without mercy point . Why invest money in building shelters , when the same can also put them in his pockets ? Ultimately , as a dog's life worth ? < / P > Cause
group of young people who were looking for the dog 's dignity may seem absurd , because poor people hardly vjijnë intend to animals when they have difficulties to ensure prosperity for themselves . Absurd to pain . But the most absurd -sounding promises politicians made ​​for people . Animals not to be caught in the mouth . Few caught in the mouth of those who have fled the country and live like animals under the bridges of Europe . Where European dogs have more rights . Where the saying " dog's life " has a different meaning and symbolizes prosperous life of dignity . What do dogs Aso Europe . < / P >
*** < / p >
Stray dogs walk freely in Pristina . They can kill or can find a solution are fortunate to occupy the campaign . People are being promised a better life than dogs . Humanities are showing dogs , because there are choke , but letting them die in misery , without food and shelter . < / P >
are being shown with humane people . Because you can spend all the money in the budget lunches , dinners and trips ( of course : official ) and not pose any kilometer road , not regulate any meter sewerage system , not invest a cent in agriculture . < / p >
say that living in a democratic system , but many of them do not differ by Ceausescu . You can not kill people to lead, but the kill in other ways. I kill with words, ignorance , scorn . I kill with indifference . The willful killing . < / P >
kill by not providing enough water , not their environment clean by not providing quality education , not create conditions for work, and certainly not to be created . < / p > Kill
leaving to live like dogs , affecting to go abroad to live worse than dogs . < / p >
kill without being held accountable for the vote to take them , doing everything in their name . < / p >
*** < / p > Bucharest
dogs are European , but life does not make it so. People should take care to share other values. < / P > Dogs
Pristina unrelated to Europe . Here people are promised that they will become Europeans . To then , perhaps , someone will deal with dogs . < / P > No
any good fortune that dogs and humans share has fallen to live in Kosovo . Both sides make life tough. It can kill you like a dog , or left to live qençe . < / P >
election campaign , one can even remember you . And you can come to mind dogs . Ultimately the two make a dog's life . Be the dog , however the European perspective .

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